
三一营养有限公司. has been using 老ProPhorce™ for almost the entire period of its 10-year existence. During this time, various trends have emerged that made the industry adapt and ultimately change. John Wilson shares his insights on these trends and tells us why 老ProPhorce™ has managed to keep him satisfied for such a long period.

During his more than 40 years in the animal nutrition business, John Wilson, managing director of 三一营养有限公司.美国见证了这个行业的变化. 尤其是在他创立了自己的公司之后, he has been gaining first-hand experience and insights into the megatrends occurring in the industry. 当被问及行业趋势时,约翰有一些想法. 他首先提到了“对世界贸易的巨大破坏”, 这种情况在去年尤其明显.” He explains that “it’s a major threat to the industry as t在这里 are huge price increases, 成本上升, 以及十大正规网堵平台和原材料供应的限制.”  

作为第二个大趋势, he brings up the global warming issue as a negative megatrend “which will result in the emergence of ‘food production basket areas’ around the world. John thinks that “these will be highly populated areas and will be flooded in the next 50 to 100 years.” His train of thought leads him from global warming to the challenge of meeting world food needs due to the overpopulation of our planet. According to John “it's a worldwide issue that makes the security of food become of greater significance and food production a lot more critical.“然而, 约翰看到了事情的另一面, 作为主导行业的积极大趋势之一, 他提到了“效率的提高”, 尤其是肉鸡的效率. 不仅仅是考虑它们的表现和摄食, 还有遗传学, which is important in keeping food production up to the levels that we need for our growing population worldwide.”  

最后但同样重要的, 约翰谈到了过去十年中最大的行业突破, “the improvements in the eradication of antibiotics” that is “a very good thing also for human health and is absolutely vital for the reputation of our industry.” Despite all the positive effects the banning of antibiotics has on the industry as well as on humans, it presents the challenge of finding other means of supporting the animal's welfare and performance. “We’re looking at other complex systems including elements like water hygiene, 饲料卫生, 平衡动物的电解质系统. 还有很多整理工作要做, 特别是在养猪业, 但在肉鸡领域,进步是巨大的。”约翰说.  

“肠道健康 is absolutely essential and can't be overemphasized because an animal that's unhealthy in the gut is not a happy animal” is John’s strong opening statement as the subject changes to gut health’s role in the industry. Then he continues saying that “bringing gut health into the picture is key to what we can do as professionals. Research and development in this area are central to driving efficient production.” Not only because “the diets used in our industry are largely wheat-based diets and even though wheat can be quite the variable, t在这里 are always going to be challenges with feed quality” but also because “t在这里 are other factors linked to gut health, 比如饲料卫生, 水资源管理, 膳食电解质平衡或酸化.” John positions gut health as the most crucial factor in the industry and since “anything which improves it is of central importance to our production systems” it’s important to “get support from the 老ProPhorce™ type of products and other supports as well that strengthen the animal’s existence.” 

约翰有处理多种十大正规网堵平台的悠久历史. "和我一起, we've gone through quite a range of products from yeasts to medium-chain fatty acids.“大约10年前, John接触到了butyrins和proorce™SR, 他对哪个评价很高. “It's probably the most dramatic product we have in our range and one of the most reliable as well in terms of improving gut health and animal performance. I find the key to the product is its efficiency at what it does and its economy as it gives an economic return on investment invariably.“约翰看到很多其他十大正规网堵平台在市场上来来去去, 但他说:“没有什么东西可以触摸proorce™SR.” After he finished sharing his perspectives on the long-lasting relationship with the product, John felt the necessity to direct the attention to Perstorp with whom his association has been very good. “It’s a company well worth getting involved with and I think t在这里's a strong future for the type of products they're producing. And I know they will be developing products beyond the 老ProPhorce™ product range. 所以,那里有一个美好的未来.” 

当被问及2022年的愿景时, 约翰提到了两种饲料添加剂,他认为今年会发生变化. 一种是用于水中的添加剂. He reckons that “t在这里’ll be a contraction in these types of products for two reasons. One is the struggling industry in terms of getting animals off of farms and pricing and the other is the soar in prices of raw materials going into water additives. 2022年上半年之后, the market will recover and t在这里 will be a correction in pricing and a realization that the products can't be done without water additives.” The other is the 老ProPhorce™ type products w在这里 John sees growth as “it’s an economical product. 它在某些情况下是非常有效的, 它可以有效地取代更昂贵的替代品. So, I see the future for that particular product as being strong” indicating his confidence for a bright future.  




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