Ten most frequently asked animal nutrition questions - part 1

Our team talks to customers every day. The people that use our products and see the results. Obviously they sometimes want to know more about the product they are using, 一个他们感兴趣的, or even the subject on which it has an effect. So which are the questions we get from our customers most often? 我们与我们的团队进行了交谈,并收集了10个最常见的问题,以便在这里回答它们. We have published these answers on our social media channels. Here is a rundown in case you missed some:

How do I dose ProPhorce™ Water Solutions?

After cleaning the 水 lines, dose the product in the 水 until you reach pH 4.0或略低于(3.8-3.9). The 水 pH should be measured w在这里 the animals drink, at the 水 nipples or drinkers. pH值为4.0 will stop the growth of most pathogenic bacteria in the 水. Remember, most molds and yeasts can tolerate a pH range of pH 1.5至pH值10.0. 有机酸的浓度控制着水中霉菌和酵母菌的生长, 主要不是pH值.
使用缓冲有机酸基十大正规网堵平台的优点是所用有机酸的等当点, usually coincide with the desired pH range of 4.0或略低于0. 在实践中,这意味着当你达到你的目标pH值时,你可以继续增加剂量,在水中获得更高浓度的有机酸, 加强微生物控制, with only minor impact on the 水 pH.
为了获得我们的水应用十大正规网堵平台的最佳效果,我们通常建议以每1000L水1 kg的剂量使用,即使您使用较低的剂量达到您的水目标pH值.


How to compare butyric acid products on concentration

我们得到很多问题的一个主题是丁酸溶液的浓度,当然我们的明星三丁酸酯十大正规网堵平台proorce™SR在这个主题中的位置. 该类别中最常见的问题是“我们如何比较包膜丁酸盐十大正规网堵平台与proorce™SR的实际丁酸含量。?’.

We talked to one of our experts Jose M Ros Felip about this subject. 他的第一反应是:“主要的区别在于盐被包裹的方式。. These concepts try to find a balance between efficiency and handleability. 十大正规网堵平台 that are coated well and don’t have any smell or other issues, 通常比丁酸盐(钙或丁酸钠)含有更多的涂层。. 这种高百分比的涂层也提高了丁酸实际到达肠道的可能性,在肠道中丁酸发挥其最佳效果. 十大正规网堵平台 with less coating may cause handling issues AND may not be as effective.’ 

关于与proorce™SR三丁酸酯的浓度比较,他说:“假设您使用的十大正规网堵平台具有良好的涂层, 你可以服用大约一半的proorce™SR 130来获得相同数量的丁酸. But please note that this is a rough estimate. T在这里 is a wide variety of coated salts in the market, so always talk to one of our colleagues if you want to know for sure. We are always 在这里 to answer those questions. We just need to know what ProPhorce™ SR is being compared with for a good answer’.
Click 在这里 if you want to know more about our tributyrins product ProPhorce™ SR?


Is t在这里 a cumulative organic acid dose effect or risk of overdosing?

在柏斯托动物营养部,我们将精力和资源集中在有机酸溶液在动物营养部的应用上. 在我们的“常见问题”调查中,我们收到了一个有趣的问题:“柏斯托建议在几乎所有的步骤中使用有机酸 饲料 to 还有 肠道健康. Is t在这里 a cumulative organic acid dose effect? 是否有用药过量的危险?”

To get an answer on this we talked to Technical Manager Burak Ruperez. He starts very clearly “the risk of overdosing organic acids is very small. 然而,欧盟有一项法规规定,动物饲料中使用的甲酸总量不得超过10公斤. 这包括用作酸化剂的甲酸,也可能用于卫生目的的甲酸. 用于 卫生 purposes will dissipate while doing their job, however they still need to be counted. Feed production professionals should be aware of these levels. If 饲料 would actually have 10 kg of formic acid in it, animals would probably simply reduce consumption. 为了使违反欧盟规定的可能性更小:市场上大多数甲酸含量为85%,因此完全以甲酸为基础的成品的剂量必须接近12公斤. 以短链脂肪酸为基础的水十大正规网堵平台不包括在内,有机酸酯也不包括在内。”.

He continues “in practice we don’t see, nor advise anyone dose this much. Especially not of one single acid. 科学还表明,在大多数情况下,几种有机酸一起使用会大大改善你想要的效果,并提供一个更全面的方法。”. 关于过量使用的实际安全风险,他继续说:“过去进行的试验表明,饲料中有机酸的含量要高得多,但没有报告有负面影响. 


What is the role of valeric acid in poultry nutrition?

今年我们推出了 Gastrivix™Avi, 我们最新的创新和唯一的十大正规网堵平台结合了戊酸的力量和众所周知的好处,丁酸都以酯的形式. 我们的许多读者以前没有听说过戊酸的使用,并问我们“戊酸在家禽营养中的作用是什么?? How it’s different than butyric acid?“这个常见问题系列是解决这个问题的好机会.

根特大学的一项研究表明,戊酸在肉鸡免疫系统和免疫反应的调节中起着重要作用,对支持动物对抗坏死性肠炎具有积极作用. 同时使用丁酸和戊酸是获得最佳性能和经济效益的关键.


What is the difference between 肠道健康 and gut wealth?

最近,当我们与世界各地的同事一起盘点他们最常收到的问题时,我们收到的一个回答是,肠道财富和肠道健康之间的区别并不完全清楚. 澄清一下:肠道健康有几个正在使用的定义,如果我们要非常具体,就应该单独写一篇文章. T在这里 is no need for us to go into that much detail 在这里. 在这种情况下,重要的是要意识到肠道健康是指在胃肠道中达到最佳平衡,没有任何症状, diseases or conditions INSIDE THE BODY. In our industry context usually the body of a production animal. Some consequences associated with a healthy gut could be strong performance, animal welfare and a resilience against challenges for example.

We all want that for our animals, right? Knowing that our animals’ guts are healthy gives peace of mind. After all you know that they will feel well and perform well. 肠胃财富就是内心的平静. The feeling that 肠道健康 is completely under control. Your animals are healthy, happy and achieving their full potential. That will give peace of mind, right? The way we defined gut wealth even goes so far as to include HOW we get t在这里. Did we do so with consideration for people and planet? 肠道财富是一种精神状态,我们希望帮助您实现,这是由于知道您的动物肠道健康是坚实的. It is not physical state or a product we’re selling or a 承诺 we’re making. It’s a goal that we want to help you reach.
Follow this link if you’d like to know more about gut wealth.


Continue reading part 2 for the other FAQ's >>


Marketing Communications Manager 动物营养

+31 416 317 721



Marketing Communications Manager 动物营养

+31 416 317 721
